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Qwazy about Quail

Growing up, I would often go hunting or fishing as a way to provide extra food for our family of four. My father showed me the responsibilities of fireare safety, only hunting for what you are going to keep, and taking in all of our natural surroundings. I remember my friends who had hunting dogs and the excitement they would have when they found some quail hiding in some brush and hearing the quail take flight when dogs took chase. As a young kid I was not a very good shot at the flying targets but spending time with family, friends, and the dogs was some of the best memories as a child. I remember learning about the Northern Bob White Quail that was common in NW Ohio and how I thought these were some of the coolest birds around, until I got my first pheasant. Quail was always one of my favorite birds that my Mom or friends Mom's would cook for dinner and they were a decent portion for a kid. We would sit around the dinner table and talk about the hunting trip, and who had the bragging rights of who got the most birds, it was never me but I still loved the experience. 40 some years later and here I am raising farm raised quail. After selling my flock of sheep, turkeys, chickens, and goats, I felt like something was just missing. We moved into community where our neighbors really were right next door. I always missed taking the kids outside in the woods, picking wild blueberries, running from an angry turkey, or watching newborn lambs as they leaped around like crazy and chasing after their mothers for milk. I wanted my children to experience some of the things I did as a child and so I bought my youngest daughter a rabbit like I had when I was little. She didn't have the same fondness of the little furball that I did but it was hers and she was learning. When the rabbit passed away due to age, I went to the county fair looking for an Angora Rabbit to get for her so she could learn more about carrying for a rabbit and having a use for all its fur since Angora fur is sought after for knitting. I was disappointed when there was not a single Angora rabbit anywhere to be found. As I was walking out of the poultry and rabbit barn, I noticed some birds that looked a little familiar but I wasn't sure what they were. When I walked up to them, I noticed they were quail and there was a "For Sale" sign on them to be available after the fair was over. The quail had several 1st and 2nd place ribbons and were very colorful. A new chapter was being created without even knowing it. Instead of a rabbit, I came home with 6 Coturnix Quail.

It's been 6 months now and we have had over 200 quail and continue to grow our covey. We are always learning more about these awesome birds, their different colorings, breeding, history, and how amazing these little birds are. They are producing some really awesome eggs that are kind of fun and challenging making deviled eggs and the kids get excited every time a new group is hatching. Although the kids don't have as much excitement and inquisitive nature I do about raising animals, it still creates a lot of conversations around raising your own animals. We also enjoy providing for our community with the eggs and meat these awesome birds provide. We have joined several quail communities online and have made several new friends in person that are also Qwazy about Quail. Daily conversations are no longer just about Star Wars but trying to get my kids to learn more about animal husbandry and being self-sufficient. We hope you follow us on our journey to learn more about these really cool birds and hope that we can share some great stories with you about our experiences. If you ever ask my family or friends, there is never a dull moment around here for sure!

You can find us on

Tik Tok: HouseHensofQuailville

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